Privacy Policy


The service provider (CreaCity Service Limited Liability Company, 1118 Budapest, Budaörsi út 21.) determines the Cookie Terms of Use for the Internet Portal (URL) for the URL (hereinafter referred to as “the Portal”) and the Cookie Terms of Use for the Services available through the Portal as follows.

I. The purpose of the Terms of Use

The Service Provider, in order to assist the identification and recognition of Users, applies the use of cookies and similar technologies during the use of the Portal Services, thus enabling the Service Provider to become familiar with the Users’ interest in the Services and the Portal, improve the User’s experience, increase the security and efficiency of the Portal. User can control and supervise cookies in his or her browser settings and by other means.

The Service Provider places cookies in the User’s browser and HTML-based e-mails when visiting the Portal and using the Services in accordance with this Cookie Terms of Use.

What is a Cookie?

Cookie is a mini file that is created by letters and numbers and sent to the User’s device by the Service Provider from the Service Provider’s server. It is allowed by the Cookie to recognize when the User was last logged in to the Portal. Its main purpose is to enable the Provider to make individualised offers, advertisements, data and information available to the User that make the user experience personalised while using the Portal and expressing the personal needs of the User.

II. The purpose of the Cookies applied by the Service Provider:

  1. Authentication: If the User has logged in to the Portal, Cookies will help the Service Provider to show the User the correct information and personalise the User experience.
  1. Security: To support and enable security and to assist the Service Provider in detecting violent and offending behaviour conflicting the GCU.
  1. Preferences, features, and services: Cookies are able to indicate to the Service Provider the preferred language of the User, what the User’s communication preferences are, will help the User fill in forms on the Portal and make it easier.
  1. Advertising: Provider may use Cookies to show the User relevant ads on and outside the Portal. Cookies that show whether the Users who have seen an ad on the Portal later visit the advertiser’s website may also be used. Similarly, the Service Provider’s business partners may use Cookies to determine whether the Service Provider has displayed their ads on the Portal and how they have performed and may send information to the Service Provider about how the User behaves in relation to the ads. The Service Provider may also cooperate with a partner that displays an ad for the User on or outside the Portal after the User has visited the partner’s website.
  1. Performance, analytics and research: These Cookies help the Service Provider know how the Portal performs in different places. Cookies that evaluate, improve, search the Portal, products, features, Services, including when the User enters the Portal from other websites or devices such as the User’s computer or mobile device may also be applied by the Service Provider.

III. Types of Cookies applied by the Service Provider:

  1. analytics, follow-up Cookies;
  2. session Cookies, which can only operate as long as the workflow (usually the particular visit on the Portal or a workflow in a browser) lasts;
  3. permanent Cookies: help the User identify as an existing User, making it easier to return to the Portal without signing in again. After the User logs in, the permanent Cookie will remain in the User’s browser and the Portal can read it when the User returns to the Portal.

IV. Cookies applied by third party:

1. Analytical service providers such as Google Analytics, Quantcast, Nielsen, ComScore can also place cookies on the User’s device.

2. Users can disable the use of Google cookies on the Google ads disabling page.

3. It is also possible to block Cookies from other external providers by using the link of

Checking and controlling Cookies:

1. Most browsers allow Users to control the application of Cookies through settings. However, if the User restricts the Portal to the use of the Cookie, it may damage the User experience as it will no longer be personalised by the User. In addition, the User may also stop saving personalised settings such as login information.

2. If the User does not want the Service Provider to apply Cookies when visiting the Portal, the User may choose the option to stop using certain Cookies in the settings. In order for the Service Provider to become aware that the User has disabled certain Cookies, the Service Provider will place the option to disable the Cookie on the User’s device so that the Service Provider will know that it cannot place Cookies when the User visits the Portal next time. If the User does not wish to receive Cookies, the User may change the browser settings on his or her computer. If the User uses the Portal without changing the browser settings, the Service Provider considers that the User agrees to receive any Cookie on the Portal. The Portal does not operate properly without Cookies.

3. For more information about cookies, including the type, handling and deletion of cookies, visit or or

Effective as of 01/08/2018. 


Read more:

General Condition of Use Information on Data Protection